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With 30 years of nonprofit management experience, including senior management positions and service on various boards of directors, Ms. Mcneely brings a unique perspective to the nonprofit sector, with a strong focus on strategic planning, management, and board development. She has led national and international membership associations in the sports/entertainment industries and as executive director of several social service organizations.


Ms. McNeely is co-owner with her husband, Michael McNeely, of the Abbey Group, which provides a full range of development services to nonprofit clients.


She has been a presenter for Family Firm Institute’s International Conference, Inland Press Association; National Shoe Retailers Association, Prairie Family Business Association, Marquette University Center for Family Business, Executive Women International, Milwaukee Chapter; Tempo International; the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee; and other various state and national trade associations and family business centers.  She founded the Marquette University Family Business Excellence Awards program. 


She is a member of the Prairie Family Business Association and a board member of several family businesses.  She facilitates CEO affinity group meetings for the Prairie Family Business Association.


She received a MBA in Finance from Central Michigan University and a Bachelor of Social Science in Public Administration from Pennsylvania State University. She has served as an adjunct faculty member in Entrepreneurship at Marquette University and as adjunct faculty at Lincoln College in Bloomington, Illinois in Accounting and Business Management.


Sandra currently serves as a Family Firm Institute Finance Committee, Big Brother Big Sisters of the Black Hills Board Management Committee member and the Diocese of Rapid City Terra Sancta Leadership Guild Committee member. She previously served as board chair for the Rapid City Public Library Board of Trustees, Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Black Hills, Girl Scouts of Milwaukee Area, Counseling Center of Milwaukee, Skylight Music Theater of Milwaukee and is a past board member of TEMPO, a woman’s professional organization based in Milwaukee.

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